Adapted Yoga for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Yoga Teacher Training for Mild to Profound Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down's Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Vision/Hearing Impairments, and Paralysis
Yoga Teachers Welcome! - Course overview
FREE PREVIEWThe 8-Limbed Path of Yoga is for All
What is Adapted Yoga?
What is an Intellectual & Developmental Disability?
Understanding Disabilities: An Overview of Disorders/Diagnosis/Syndromes
How Does Yoga Affect The Nervous System?
Benefits of Yoga for students with special needs
What is Community Inclusion?
Creating A Nurturing and Supportive Classroom
Talk to Me
Classroom Tips
A conversation about yoga in the special Edu classroom with Ms. Alecia, M.Ed
What does Yoga for Students with Special Needs look like?
Keep it Fun!
Yoga Sequence Outline
Yoga Classroom and Behavior Management
The Yoga Schedule Board
Yoga Symbols - Printable
Vibrations with Rennie, age 21, Down's Syndrome
YOGA SOUNDS with Rennie, age 21 (KIRTAN KRIYA)
Hands on Assist for Cerebral Palsy (CP) with Josiah, age 14
Hands on assist for Autism Spectrum Disorder w/ Audrey, age 23, Autism Spectrum
Hands on Assist for Down's Syndrome with Emma, age 21
Hands on Assist for paralysis with Eva, age 16
Pressure/Release Points to Consider
Yin Yoga for Special Needs
Additional Field Experience
Insightful Books